Monday, November 29, 2010

Weighted Vests - Helping Kids With Autism and Adhd

I recently read an description on about the use of weighted vests for kids with Autism, Add and sensory issues. I have often seen kids in my son's class using weighted lap pads, weighted shoulder bags and even weighted vests. These products are designed to provide proprioception (deep pressure) to the student to help them pay attention. For many kids this type of therapy goods helps them stay calm and focused by stimulating their muscles and joints though deep pressure.

Although it makes exquisite sense and I have seen it work for some kids I have often wondered if there was any explore on the efficacy of these products and which ones work best. The description on discussed a new "deep-pressure" vest that has been industrialized by Brian Mullen at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Agreeing to the article, Mullen and his company conducted 8 clinical explore studies to test the security and effectiveness of using existing weighted blankets and vests. He used the data from these studies to construct a prototype system that can apply Deep Pressure via a unit that can be inserted into any industrial vest or jacket that has a lining. This makes it easier to carry nearby and ensures the student using the system will not stick out based on the need for deep pressure in the classroom. The initial testing of the prototype was done on adults who do not have autism so the verdict is still out on his success but the adults in the trial did prefer the prototype vest. This new vest applies pressure which feels like a firm hug or swaddling instead of just weight on the shoulders or lap.

Weight Vests

Although Mullen's new goods is not yet available it signals new hope for kids with Autism and Adhd. Personally, I have found it very difficult to find weighted products that can be shipped in any type of timely manner or delivered on a consistent basis. I have contacted a some vendors about carrying them in our store but all the clubs I have found work on a small scale so availability is tiny and inconsistent. Most of the mom's I meet who use these with their kids have made their own or gone to a local seamstress because they were so frustrated in trying to find a resource that was able to deliver goods in a timely manner (or at all). Mullen has created a business called Therapeutic Systems to store his goods so we look transmit the vest being additional developed. His invention will fill a void in the marketplace and help extra needs kids stay focused so they can learn and keep up with their peers.

Weighted Vests - Helping Kids With Autism and Adhd
Weighted Vests - Helping Kids With Autism and AdhdX-Men Evolution: Season 1, Episode 10 Tube. Duration : 21.22 Mins.

GET ALL FOUR SEASONS ON ITUNES! X-Men: Evolution Season 1 X-Men: Evolution Season 2 X-Men: Evolution Season 3 X-Men: Evolution Season 4 Shadowed Past Season 1 Episode 10 Shadowed Past Original Air Date: March 31, 2001. Nightcrawler's past, she becomes curious of their origin. As the dreams intensify, Rogue and Nightcrawler set off to learn the true secrets of who Kurt is and who his mother is!


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